How is a piano like a car???? To maintain your car, the oil should be changed periodically. If not, your car will stop running, or run poorly. To maintain your piano, the piano should be tuned either once or twice a year. If not, the piano will play poorly...unisons will not match. The piano has wooden parts which expand and contract with changes in temperature. This expansion and contraction effects the strings and pin block, the sound board and the bridge. As your piano tuner, I not only TUNE your piano but check all of its parts to prevent a major problem from occurring. How is your piano like a car? Your car needs a good, reliable, experienced, honest mechanic. So does your piano:)

ATLANTA PIANO TUNING BY EAR - ASK FOR MANNY wishes you a holiday filled with LOVE and MUSIC. Set politics aside, and appreciate the gift of togetherness. Gather around your piano and appreciate the wonderful calmness and balance that this beautiful instrument offers all of you, whether a beginner or an expert pianist. It is my privilege to tune and service your piano. I am grateful for you. Manny